I hadn't left the condo since Day 2. I'd been subsisting on take-out and demands that were yelled as Steven went to his car every day.
So when my fiance gave me an ultimatum (which, to be fair, I don't know if he would have gone through with, but I didn't feel like challenging him) of "either come with me to the grocery store, or you don't get any snacks", I reluctantly rolled around in some clean laundry.
A grocery list was made. Reluctantly. Trying to think of healthier things to eat during the week instead of inhaling Wings N Things, or pizza hour after hour (ugh, the idea right now is giving me heartburn already). Because, let's face it. When you're not at your best and feelin' down, who wants carrot sticks?!
Off to the supermarket we went. The supermarket, however, is outside. Of course it is. In order to get to all that vast amount of food, I'd need to see sunlight.
After groping blindly to the car, we were off. And I was doing okay! As added incentive, Steven also said we should stop off at Comickaze and pick up something new for me to read. After getting several dozen new comic recommendations from friends (Locke & Key! Runaways! Sandman! Everythiiiiing!), I figured whatever art style appealed to me most at the moment would come home with me.
... nothing came home with me.
This is not for lack of trying. I really really did want something to speak out, grab me by the eyballs and say "LOOK AT ME! READ ME! DEVOUR ME!" and any time I thought I might have found one:
aw hell no. i can't even afford to touch these, man! |
No really, stop laughing. Usually I give myself an entertainment budget of sorts, but with no new income traipsing into my bank account I have to be extra frugal. Wary of prices. Even if it is something I know will make me happy. On top of that, all the comics I had picked out didn't seem to include Volume 1. Comic-blocked. Steven offered to pay, to come back later and check if what I wanted had come in yet - and that's sweet of him. Still, the need for instant gratification, leaving a store with something you desire in your hot little hands, that's kind of what I needed. And I couldn't have it.
So, instead of stuffing myself with wondrous stories and beautiful intriguing artwork...
Paris Baguette now has "escort off property" written under my picture in their store. |
soooo fresh, healthy food acquired. You know, for when I'm home alone in the next day or so. But right now?